Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spaghetti Carbonara

Another recipe, Spaghetti Carbonara this time. Honestly, Americans, I don't know why you bother with Mac'nCheese. This is so easy and quick! As opposed to Carbonara, Mac'nCheese is heavy, greasy and bland. OK, I guess that if you do it right it could be good, but I never tasted it.
So, how to proceed?
I baked some bacon strips until crisp, put them on a kitchen towel to get rid of excess fat, cut into small pieces. Then I cooked 300 gr of homemade pasta. When done, drained, put back in the pan an added a cup of the water I had taken before draining (this step is supposed to prevent sticking, it worked), added the bacon too. In a bowl I stirred 2 eggs together with some cream and grated Parmesan. I added this mixture to the spaghetti, off the heat, stirred until set and creamy. Done.
With the right kind of prepping this could be even faster then opening a package and stirring water into a powder. If you use bacon a lot, you could make crisp bacon strips, cut them into small pieces and keep them in the fridge so you have them at hand whenever you need them. Same for the grated cheese, although I prefer to grate the expensive Parmesan the moment I need it.

A quick trip down Memory Lane:

Fast Forward:

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